Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Break It Down"

Joel 2:12 - "That is why the LORD says, 'Turn to me now, while there is time!
Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning."

There are many things in this life that cause us pain and grief. Many problems in our lives can break us down and humble us. God uses all kinds of situations to get our attention and he will allow certain things like money problems, shame, or persecution to get us in a place where we can hear him or change our direction. These are things that are a part of our growth as a Christian. But there should come a time, after we have walked with Christ for a period, that we should mature into a better Christian. Thus, we should not have to be broken down and made to endure pain as an attention getter, but we should get to the point where we decide to deal with our own flesh and our ungodly appetites.

God wants our hearts. Our mouths and even our reputations can glorify God without our hearts truly belonging to him. This is why, in this scripture, that God asked for our hearts. But he didn't stop there. He gave us a formula for it. Fasting, which will destroy the will of the flesh. Weeping, which will break down the outer image. And mourning, which will bring passion for new growth. These things should not have to be induced, but they should at some point be voluntary for your growth as a strong, mature, believer. There should come a time when you decide that you are going to fast to deny the pleasures of the flesh. You should weep before God in shame or agony over his displeasure in your sin. And you must learn to mourn, or be sorrowful for where you are and allow it to make you passionate about moving forward in your rightful place in him. Pray for these desires and pray that God will move you forward. Don't stay where you are. The world needs you better.

Suggested Reading: Phil. 3:14, Heb. 6:1

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